Buyer Information

The industry's best source of flowers for the wholesale marketplace

Service, selection and standards for all.
Reserved for the Trade.

Our extensive flower catalog has hundreds of varieties and colors to choose from. By delivering our products to you, our wholesaler, we are able to ensure flowers of superior quality and beauty make their way to the end consumer as smoothly and efficiently as possible. We obsess over customer satisfaction. Our service, selection and grading standards are well known in the industry and have been designed to delight customers and surpass your expectations.


All of our buying programs and offerings are tailor-made for you. Take advantage of our hard-earned reputation in the market, our reliability as a supplier and our honest approach to doing business. As a registered wholesaler, we will assign to you a dedicated customer service rep who is available by phone, Skype, or email. Contact us to get started, or create your account now.


If you’re interested in our flowers, please get in touch with us and we will connect you to a reliable wholesale source in your area where you’ll have access to Continental Farms flowers and brands (such as Crystal, Riviera, Cello, Paradise, Harvest and Avalon). We screen our network of distributors to ensure they have a track record of reliability and place a sharp focus on customer service. While you’re here, feel free to browse the industry’s best selection of fresh cut flowers in our catalog. We make it easy to find the products you’re looking for and submit online inquiries.

Event planners and consumers

If you’re an event planner, or someone just interested in beautiful flowers for a special occasion, you’ve come to the right place. Feel free to browse our catalog of beautiful fresh-cut flowers, pin pictures to social media and add products to your Favorites list for easy retrieval. We’re also happy to connect you with a reputable distributor in your area.

Become a Distributor

Interested in becoming part of the Continental Farms distribution network?